Coca-Cola announced that it has lowered the sugar content in its drink

CAPE TOWN – Coca-Cola South Africa announced that it has changed its recipe by cutting their sugar content by 26%.

In an interview with IOL, Camilla Osborne, Head of Communications for Coca-Cola Southern and East Africa sharded this information and stated that the company is aware the sugar is bad for one's health.

“In South Africa, over a two-year period, we had reduced average sugar content across our portfolio by 26%, ahead of industry commitments of 15%,” Osborne said.

“We recognise that too much sugar isn’t good for anyone and support the current recommendation by several leading health authorities, including the World Health Organisation (WHO)." 

However, the main reason for the change is that due to the high tax placed on sugary drinks by the South African government,  the company had to cut the amount of sugar in its recipe.

Written by: Staff Writer.

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