Tetly unveils new Earl Grey and Lemon-flavoured teas
21 June 2019
Beverage manufacturer Tetley, announced that it has added two new teas to its tea brand range.
The new flavours are Earl Grey and Tetley Lemon-flavoured teas that are authentically brewed and refreshing.
Tetley Tea Master, Jonathan Kelsey said in a statement: "South Africans love strong tea. We use an all African blend of teas for Tetley that delivers a full-bodied flavour that caters perfectly for the South African palate. Extending our range into flavoured Black tea was the natural next step to offer our growing community of Tetley fans even more flavour and more choice."
Both flavours are available in selected stores from July 2019 in packs of 20 teabags.
Written by: Staff Writer.
Guzzle Media