Summer shopping tips you need to know

With every season, comes various pros and cons and summer is no exception. For consumers, change of season often means changing demands that require individuals and households to re-equip themselves.

As we move towards summer, consumers may need to buy or upgrade various clothing items like shorts, t-shirts, caps.

They may need to buy household products and appliances like garden umbrellas, cooler boxes, fridges, and braai stands as well items for camping, sports events, etc. In order to shop effectively, here are the summer shopping tips you can use:


First things first, you need to know what you have to buy. The best way to be sure of this is by making a list of essentials that are of priority in your household during summer.

The priority list will also help you differentiate between needs and wants and allocate available financial resources accordingly but it will also assist you to avoid buying things you already have.

You also need to remember that some items you bought for the spring season can easily serve you in summer but this can only be discovered through an inventory.

Start early

Plan your shopping in advance. Not only does it help you to avoid panic and impulse buying but you are also more likely to buy what you need before stores run out of products during the in-season shopping frenzy.

Your shopping planning can be made easier by using Guzzle. Guzzle’s print and digital catalogues have current product deals and the broad array of catalogues available will allow you to compare prices before you buy.

Avoid impulse buying

Not everything you see at first glance should be bought. You need to research and carefully consider other available options, especially for big purchases. Avoiding impulse buying will save you money and the heartache of finding a better deal shortly after buying. You can count on Guzzle to compare prices from leading retailers across the country.


You need to consider DIY for some items. There are many things you can easily assemble and create for yourself if you have the tools and materials. These can include repurposing some clothes, making a garden sprinkler, a homemade table, etc. Engaging in DIY activities will allow you to learn new skills and save money.

Your purchasing habits have the power to either promote or discourage lifestyle habits. Try to buy products which will help you to achieve a healthy and happy lifestyle. These products may include sports gear and equipment, kitchen appliances, garden tools, etc.

Local is lekker

Covid-19 has negatively affected the world of business especially small-scale businesses.

While it often feels easier and more secure to deal with established retailers, you need to play a role by buying from local retailers. This way, you will be helping to keep businesses running and consequently doing your bit to keep someone employed.

Brand names for resale

You should consider buying brand names. While reputable brand products can be a bit pricey, they do offer better resale value especially for items you may not use frequently or even more than once.

Even for items you may frequently use like electronics, you are likely to resell at a better price than some unknown brand.

Think ahead to the next season

While the immediate season is always a priority, think ahead and consider the upcoming seasons. purchasing durable and versatile items which can serve you for a long time and possibly fit into different seasons.

The shopping tips listed above, if well implemented, will assist you to enjoy your summer shopping. This summer season, count on

Guzzle to find great deals faster and more conveniently.

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