Huletts adds new EquiSweet Xylitol and Erythritol sweeteners to its product-line

Tongaat announced that it has added new sweetners called EquiSweet Xylitol and Erythritol to its Huletts' sweetners range. 

The company said in a statement: "Xylitol and Erythritol are part of a range of sugar alcohols, or polyols but none of them are neither sugars nor alcohols. They are carbohydrates with a chemical structure that partially resembles sugar and partially resembles alcohol, but they don’t contain ethanol as alcoholic drinks do."

Huletts EquiSweet Xylitol is a low GI sweetener derived from maize corncob fibres and contains no added additives. 

Huletts EquiSweet Erythritol is a low glycaemic response with a near zero kilojoule value. Among the sugar alcohols, it has a higher digestive tolerance because about 90% of the ingested Erythritol is readily absorbed and excreted in urine.


Written by: Staff Writer.

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