Google unveils new Sound Amplifier app for Android

Google announced that it has launched a new app called Sound Amplifier, an Android Accessibility app that will help people hear more clearly. 

The application will only be available for Android devices that are running Android 6.0 Marshmallow and above.

Google added that it used machine learning to sort through thousands of publicly available hearing studies and data to understand how people hear in different environments and created a few controls.
When a user plugs in their headphone and uses Sound Amplifier, they can customise frequencies to augment important sound like the voices of people that they are with and filter out the background noise. 
The app can also help users to hear conversations in noisy restaurants more clearly or amplify the sound coming from a TV at personalised frequency levels without bothering others as well as boost the voices of presenters at a lecture. 
Google also added an audio visualisation feature which is used to show the user when sound is detected that will the user visualise the changes they are making to the sound. 
Written by: Gabriella Steyn.
Guzzle Media