This product is no longer on special.
To see active specials in this product category please visit:
Sleeping Bags
Ranger Sleeping Bag 210X85cm
This special expired on 31 Dec 2013
Double Layer Hollow Fibre.
Prices valid in RSA, Swaziland and Lesotho only.
Catalogue details: Prices valid in RSA, Swaziland and Lesotho only.
Address: 20 Eloff St (Cnr Salisbury), Gauteng
Phone number: 011-3340800
Malvern (Gauteng)
Address: 39a Geldenhuis Road, Gauteng
Phone number: 011-6166601
Address: 212 Turf Road La Rochelle, Gauteng
Phone number: 011-4362674
Address: Cnr Webb & Klipriver Rds, Gauteng
Phone number: 011-433 2983